In my recent efforts to put together some pampering THANK YOU packages for my Custom Song clients, I have come across the most wonderful, friendly and supportive mother-daughter team of chocolatiers. Diana and Cristina at Shocolaate ("Show-ko-latt" at make the most luscious artisan truffles and chocolate treats and I'm so excited to share them with YOU!
I will be posting 3 specific song packages and their details ASAP and each song package will come with a different THANK YOU set of gifts, but one thing EVERY Song Client will receive is a selection of Shocolaate chocolates to savor and share (or not share, ha!).
I'm really thrilled to give Shocolaate to you. Not only because this chocolate is very high quality and very delicious, but because it's made by sweet and savvy women who I am honored to call my new friends.
SHOCOLAATE just launched their NEW website, so check it out right now for their full selection of delights!
--jennifer haase
There comes a period of time typically memorials when the minister or priest will address people attending and say, "We come here not to mourn the dying, but to celebrate your life. While this kind of statement should really provide comfort, the fact is that the loved an individual's dying can be a tragic event for people omitted. In occasions such as this personalized songs prove useful.